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All I Needed to Know in Life I Learned in Quilting Class

  • Use a 1/4-inch seam and stick to it. Many small errors become a big one at the end.
  • Always close your rotary cutter so no one else is hurt by your carelessness.
  • Avoid easy, shortcut methods. Do things the correct way because in the end, the quilt will be better.
  • Fractions are your friends. If not, use a calculator.
  • Precision counts.
  • Don’t trust every ruler. Make sure it’s accurate before using it.
  • If things aren’t working right, re-thread your machine and start over.
  • Have a good ripper. Mistakes happen.
  • Same color materials make a dull quilt. Add contrast to liven things up.
  • Start with the hard blocks, then everything else will seem easy.
  • Share material. Everyone gets something good out of sharing.
  • Practice makes perfect.